Houses in Classe

Classe (Ravenna) , 1992

Design: 1989

Execution: 1990-1992

Text from:­ Quattro progetti. Ed. Essegi. 1988

This residential complex consists of six duplex houses and a terraced building comprising 14 dwellings. The location is the boundary fringe between a small village of detached houses ,near the basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe ,and the agricultural land towards Ravenna. The aspect of this zone is suburban with decidedly “human” features, due both to the size of the houses, each with a small private garden, and to the surrounding cultivated fields. The concept of designing an entire street, and therefore a piece of town, guided us in our planning. The typology at the origin of the project was indicated by the client. We sought to build with a selected type, a given typology and existing standards, an urban form that might be recognisable through completeness. The latter is given by the overall form of the intervention which, notwithstanding repetition and the different composition of the elements themselves, takes the location as being determining. The new street consists on one side of the row of terraced houses that defines the village boundary and on the other of its more fractioned counterpart (the duplex houses), the limit between the urban part and the countryside. Recognizability is given by the assembly and repetition of certain elements, which from those of type proceed to the microscale of materials, constructional details and colours. All these groupings, none excluded, constitute the architecture, resolving without tricks the passage from design to construction. All the dwellings have a private garden front and back. The building materials are traditional, which is to say exposed brick, door and window frames in painted wood, copper roof and cement rendering.

Committente: C.M.C.

Progetto architettonico: arch. Claudio Baldisserri, ing. Lorenzo Sarti, arch. Aldo Aymonino (Teprin Associati).

Realizzazione e Direzione lavori.

Direzione lavori: arch. Claudio Baldisserri (Teprin Associati).

Impresa: C.M.C. Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti di Ravenna